Section 127

127A Con­cur­rent reg­u­lat­ed dog dec­la­ra­tion and destruc­tion
(1) This sec­tion applies if a local gov­ern­ment—
(a) has made a reg­u­lat­ed dog dec­la­ra­tion under sec­tion 94
for the dog; but
(b) has not giv­en the own­er of the dog an infor­ma­tion notice
under sec­tion 95 about the deci­sion to make the
(2) Even though the reg­u­lat­ed dog dec­la­ra­tion has not tak­en effect
under sec­tion 95(3), an autho­rised offi­cer may make a
destruc­tion order for the dog.
(3) As soon as prac­ti­ca­ble after decid­ing to make the destruc­tion
order for the dog, the autho­rised per­son must serve the
destruc­tion order on—
(a) the reg­is­tered own­er of the dog; or
(b) if there is no reg­is­tered own­er of the dog—a per­son who
is an own­er of, or a respon­si­ble per­son for, the dog.
(4) The destruc­tion order must include or be accom­pa­nied by a
sin­gle infor­ma­tion notice about—
(a) the deci­sion to make the reg­u­lat­ed dog dec­la­ra­tion under
sec­tion 94(2); and
(b) the deci­sion to make the destruc­tion order.
(5) Sec­tion 127AA(5) to (8) applies to the destruc­tion order.



Destruc­tion of reg­u­lat­ed dog or pro­hib­it­ed dog under destruc­tion order

127AA Destruc­tion of reg­u­lat­ed dog or pro­hib­it­ed dog under destruc­tion order

(1) This sec­tion applies if—

(a) the dog is a reg­u­lat­ed dog or a pro­hib­it­ed dog; and

(b) sec­tion 127 does not autho­rise the destruc­tion of the dog.

(2) If the dog has seri­ous­ly attacked a per­son or an ani­mal, the autho­rised per­son must make a destruc­tion order in rela­tion to the dog.

(3) If the dog has not seri­ous­ly attacked a per­son or an ani­mal, the autho­rised per­son may make a destruc­tion order in rela­tion to the dog.

(4) The destruc­tion order must—

(a) be served on—

(i) the reg­is­tered own­er of the dog; or

(ii) if there is no reg­is­tered own­er of the dog—any per­son who is an own­er of, or a respon­si­ble per­son for, the dog; and

(b) include or be accom­pa­nied by an infor­ma­tion notice about the deci­sion to make the destruc­tion order.

(5) If a destruc­tion order is made in rela­tion to the dog, the autho­rised per­son may destroy the dog, not ear­li­er than 14 days after the order is served under sub­sec­tion (4) if an appli­ca­tion has not been made under chap­ter 8 part 1 for an inter­nal review of the deci­sion to make the destruc­tion order (the
“destruc­tion order deci­sion” ).

(6) If an appli­ca­tion for inter­nal review has been made under chap­ter 8 part 1 for an inter­nal review of the destruc­tion order deci­sion, the autho­rised per­son may destroy the dog if—

(a) the appli­ca­tion has been decid­ed and both of the fol­low­ing apply—

(i) the deci­sion on the appli­ca­tion con­firms the destruc­tion order deci­sion;

(ii) an appli­ca­tion for an exter­nal review of the destruc­tion order deci­sion has not been made with­in the peri­od allowed under the QCAT Act ; or

(b) the appli­ca­tion has been with­drawn or has oth­er­wise end­ed.

(7) If an appli­ca­tion has been made for an exter­nal review of the destruc­tion order deci­sion, the autho­rised per­son may destroy the dog if—

(a) the appli­ca­tion has been decid­ed and both of the fol­low­ing apply—

(i) the deci­sion on the appli­ca­tion (the
“exter­nal review deci­sion” ) con­firms the destruc­tion order deci­sion;

(ii) an appeal against the exter­nal review deci­sion has not been start­ed with­in the peri­od allowed under the QCAT Act ; or

(b) the appli­ca­tion has been with­drawn or has oth­er­wise end­ed.

(8) If an appeal against the exter­nal review deci­sion has been start­ed, the autho­rised per­son may destroy the dog if—

(a) the appeal has been decid­ed and the effect of the deci­sion is to con­firm the exter­nal review deci­sion; or

(b) the appeal has been with­drawn or has oth­er­wise end­ed.

(9) In this sec­tion—

“ani­mal” has the mean­ing giv­en by sec­tion 191 .

“seri­ous­ly attack” means—

(a) in rela­tion to a person—attack the per­son in a way that caus­es the death of, or griev­ous bod­i­ly harm or bod­i­ly harm to, the per­son; or

(b) in rela­tion to an ani­mal—attack the ani­mal in a way that caus­es the death of the ani­mal, or maims or wounds the ani­mal.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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