The Rest

Pub­lished 2009

I am sit­ting and sink­ing into the lux­u­ry of the huge com­fy bot­tle green arm­chair in my own

bed­room in my own home as I write this. I look around and I am proud. I am proud, proud of my fam­i­ly, proud of my new home, proud of my friends, proud of myself and the jour­ney I under­took to get here.

My house is sparse­ly fur­nished but it still has a com­fort­able home­ly feel. I have made it a home despite my lim­its. I have land­ed on my feet despite the step off the abyss and the long fall into an uncer­tain future. The chil­dren are hap­py.. they laugh and smile. Slow­ly the anger is leav­ing their lives to be replaced by joy, hap­pi­ness, won­der­ment, learn­ing, friends and fam­i­ly and most impor­tant­ly.. respect…

My life is once again touched by the sun and cooled by the warm sum­mer rains. My emo­tions are as calm as a trop­i­cal beach in win­ter with palm trees gen­tly sway­ing in the soft breeze. The hur­ri­canes and whirl­winds of pain, fear and tor­ment which scream blind­ly out of nowhere cre­at­ing dev­as­ta­tion and destruc­tion are out of sea­son and gone from this new life.

Last week I stopped at a local store to buy some milk and bread and while there, I had a joke with the Store own­er. I walked out of the store and real­ized I was laugh­ing. I threw my head back and laughed hard­er at the thought, almost skip­ping my way to the car. I was laugh­ing… what a sweet alien sound to my ears.

I smile a lot these days. I smile at nature, the beau­ty that sur­rounds me and the peo­ple who entwine my life. There is some pret­ty spe­cial peo­ple there. Some who are walk­ing with me on this jour­ney were always there. I was just too blind­ed by pain and fear to see them clear­ly. The sup­port and love I have from those peo­ple wraps me in a blan­ket of warmth that gives me the strength to car­ry it all for­ward, through­out what­ev­er life puts before me on my cho­sen path. Some who are walk­ing with me are new­er to my life and their blan­ket of warmth is just as soft as those who have always known me, the ones who have always accept­ed me as being me.

I real­ized some­thing impor­tant in those pain years. I think I always knew but the ter­ror years stamped it home for me. You only get one life. Life is change, yet once lived can­not be changed. You owe it to your­self to make it hap­py and ful­fill­ing. You owe it to nature and all which cre­at­ed you to make it the best it can be. If your house had a piece of fur­ni­ture that didn’t fit, was ugly and hor­rid or dan­ger­ous, you would take it to the dump and remove it from your home. Life is like that fur­ni­ture.

When sur­round­ed by the hor­rid and dan­ger­ous, things that make you sad then take them to the dump too and rid your life of them. Sur­round your­self with love and beau­ty. Sur­round your­self with assets not lia­bil­i­ties. Sur­round your­self in hap­pi­ness.

I can say that now with no qualms and no guilt. Do I have regrets? I will always have regrets but none are of my own guilty con­science. My soul is clean my heart is whole.

I did the best thing I could do with the tools I had at the time. I was faced with the hard­est choic­es of life and the hard­est path­ways to pick from. The path I chose was not the eas­i­est by far but the jour­ney and the vista along this path­way is the one that gets bet­ter with every step for­ward tak­en.


I love my life.. it rocks…and every­thing and every­one sur­round­ing me now in life makes it spe­cial ..includ­ing you all.. thank you to every­one read­ing this. Thank you for being there and shin­ing that light in my dark­est nights


The past is gone for­ev­er, the future is uncer­tain but the present is a gift….. trea­sure it………



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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