NoT-Compliant Breach — Email from Council to Nina AMA act 127 95–2 203 204

Queens­land State Law
Ani­mal Con­trol Act QLD 2008 (cur­rent)  2008 Ani­mal Man­age­ment Act  Queens­land <-down­load here

Mak­ing reg­u­lat­ed dog dec­la­ra­tion

95 Giv­ing infor­ma­tion notice about deci­sion to make
reg­u­lat­ed dog dec­la­ra­tion
(1) As soon as prac­ti­ca­ble after decid­ing to make a reg­u­lat­ed dog
dec­la­ra­tion, the local gov­ern­ment must give any own­er of the
dog the sub­ject of the dec­la­ra­tion an infor­ma­tion notice about
the deci­sion.

(2) However, the local government must not give an information
notice under subsection (1) if an authorised person has made a
destruction order under section 127A in relation to the dog.
See section 127A in relation to the requirement to give a single
information notice about the decisions to make the regulated dog
declaration and the destruction order.
203 Other evidentiary aids
(1) For applying section 198 for the proceeding, a record of a
local government is taken to include—
(a) a thing as follows given, issued, kept or made under this
chapter or chapter 5—
(i) an appointment;
(ii) a decision or record;
[s 204]
Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008
Chapter 9 Miscellaneous provisions
Page 142 Current as at 28 August 2024
Authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel
(iii) the local government’s dog registry;
(iv) a regulated dog declaration;
(v) a proposed declaration notice, compliance notice
or other notice;
(vi) a destruction order; and
(b) another document kept under this Act; and
(c) a statement that on a stated day—
(i) a stated person was given a stated decision,
declaration, notice or order; or
(ii) a stated requirement under chapter 4 or 5 was
made of a stated person.
(2) This section does not limit section 198.
204 False or misleading information
A person (the relevant person) commits an offence if the
relevant person gives, either orally or in a document, the
following persons information the relevant person knows is
false or misleading in a material particular—
(a) the chief executive;
(b) a chief executive officer of a local government;
(c) an authorised person;
(d) an authorised implanter;
(e) a licence holder.
Maximum penalty—100 penalty units
Part 3 Legal provisions
Division 1 Evidence generally
198 Evidentiary value of copies
(1) This section applies to a copy of a document that—
(a) purports to be made under the authority of a local
government or its mayor; and
(b) purports to be verified by the mayor or an employee
who is authorised by the local government.
(2) The copy of the document is evidence in any proceedings as if
the copy were the original of the document.

Order Invalid Process not adhered to by non com­pli­ant offi­cer.

Good after­noon Nina,

With respect to your dog Hunta, cur­rent­ly impound­ed and under inves­ti­ga­tion for dog attack offences, please see the attached doc­u­ments.

The first one of these is a reg­u­lat­ed dog infor­ma­tion notice, which tells you that Coun­cil has decid­ed to reg­u­late your dog Hunta as a declared ‘dan­ger­ous dog’, due to its involve­ment in a seri­ous dog attack cur­rent­ly under inves­ti­ga­tion. You will note in this cor­re­spon­dence that you have an option to request an inter­nal review of this deci­sion, which if you choose to take up, you must apply to Coun­cil in writ­ing with­in 14 days of the date of receival of this notice, for the review to be con­duct­ed.

The sec­ond doc­u­ment attached is a ‘destruc­tion order’, which tells you that Coun­cil intends to destroy the dog Hunta, due to its involve­ment in a seri­ous dog attack involv­ing the death of anoth­er ani­mal. Again, there is a review option avail­able for you to apply for an inter­nal review of this deci­sion stat­ing in writ­ing why you think Coun­cil should not destroy the dog. If tak­en up, you need to lodge this review in writ­ing {appli­ca­tion form pro­vid­ed} by 4pm on 17th Jan­u­ary 2025. If no writ­ten response is received Coun­cil will pro­ceed to destroy the dog.

Down­load Reg­u­lat­ed Dog Order 
Down­load Destruc­tion Order for 13 Fred­er­icks Street like what the h*ll name is that?





Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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