Email Dated 23rd December 2024 Simon the over Eager

From: Simon Ea+r <>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2024, 13:42
Sub­ject: Impound­ed dog — Hunta — North Bur­nett Region­al Coun­cil
To: <>
Cc: Com­pli­ance <>

Good after­noon Nina,
With respect to your dog Hunta, cur­rent­ly impound­ed and under inves­ti­ga­tion for dog attack offences, please see the attached doc­u­ments.

The first one of these is a reg­u­lat­ed dog infor­ma­tion notice, which tells you that Coun­cil has decid­ed to reg­u­late your dog Hunta as a declared ‘dan­ger­ous dog’, due to its involve­ment in a seri­ous dog attack cur­rent­ly under inves­ti­ga­tion. You will note in this cor­re­spon­dence that you have an option to request an inter­nal review of this deci­sion, which if you choose to take up, you must apply to Coun­cil in writ­ing with­in 14 days of the date of receival of this notice, for the review to be con­duct­ed.

The doc­u­ment attached is a ‘destruc­tion order’, which tells you that Coun­cil intends to destroy the dog Hunta, due to its involve­ment in a seri­ous dog attack involv­ing the death of anoth­er ani­mal. Again, there is a review option avail­able for you to apply for an inter­nal review of this deci­sion stat­ing in writ­ing why you think Coun­cil should not destroy the dog. If tak­en up, you need to lodge this review in writ­ing {appli­ca­tion form pro­vid­ed} by 4pm on 17th Jan­u­ary 2025. If no writ­ten response is received Coun­cil will pro­ceed to destroy the dog.
Coun­cil will not progress these actions any fur­ther until writ­ten review appli­ca­tions are received, or the review peri­od has expired.
Hard copies of these doc­u­ments were placed in the mail to you at the end of last week and are the same as the attached elec­tron­ic copies.
I am hap­py to dis­cuss these doc­u­ments with you and talk you through the process if you so wish.
Kind Regards,
Simon Eager
Com­pli­ance Stream Leader
Mobile: 0460 032 109
North Bur­nett Region­al Coun­cil
1300 MY NBRC (1300 696 272)
PO Box 390, 34–36 Cap­per St



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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