
Mon, Dec 30, 4:16 PM (15 hours ago)

to Cr.Les.Hotzadminsimon.eagercraig.mathesonNinaNina
North bur­nett Region­al Coun­cil,

to ALL as this con­cerns the entire coun­cil.

re Hunta the Hunt­ed on deathrow at Gayn­dah pound
All notices invalid and ille­gal due to coun­cil not fol­low­ing pro­ce­dures

under sec­tion 94 and 127 of the animalcontrolact2008a reg­u­lat­ed dog order must not be includ­ed with an order for the destruc­tion of a dog
these must be sent on 1 order. not togeth­er with 2 orders.

Please appoint a new mem­ber of staff to audit all infor­ma­tion and begin again after access­ing all infor­ma­tion, legal­ly with respons­es allowed in legal fol­low­ing all laws and pro­ce­dures in writ­ing

there is also a pi process of declar­ing the dog dan­ger­ous which has not been fol­lowed, no pro­ce­dures have been cor­rect­ly fol­lowed

The appli­ca­tion to declare Hunta a reg­u­lat­ed Dog also did not fol­low pro­ce­dures
under sec­tion 191 of the ani­mal con­trol act Hunta does not fit under the ban­ners as there has been no proof pro­vid­ed that SHe KILLED OR MAIMED any­thing. this goes to the evi­dence act and fol­lows oth­er acts.

An Appli­ca­tion has been sub­mit­ted to QCAT to
1, stay the exe­cu­tion order
2, hear an appeal of the orders due to inva­lid­i­ty

This whole cam­paign was a big rush for Simon Eager to get the paper­work signed and deliv­ed before christ­mas KNOWING FULL WELL that all gov­ern­ment depart­ments are closed until 6th of Jan­u­ary which means that any appeal lodged by Nina McDon­ald will be sub­mit­ted too late and Simon WIll Have the poor lady sac­ri­ficed. NO

This is ille­gal, a crime and a hor­ren­dous abuse of pow­er.

my issue which I am hand­ing back to you.  In Simon’s overea­ger­ness, he has incit­ed oth­er staff to com­mit ille­gal acts such as ille­gal­ly  approach­ing a cit­i­zen in their home, ille­gal voice record­ing of dis­abled cit­i­zens to use for an inves­ti­ga­tion with­out inform­ing them of their basic rights.

These breach­es will be added to the mass amount of breach­es per­pe­trat­ed by Simon, Brooke Garth and Oth­ers.
Simon may have worked in Law enforce­ment for 30 years, my point is not Aus­tralian law enforce­ment, new rules.

this is about legal pro­ce­dures, trans­paren­cy, truth and a dog on death row who is sub­ject to a vis­cious seem­ing­ly benign cam­paign of destruc­tion. This cam­paign has put the spot­light on the coun­cil who has been dragged into dis­re­pute from the covert actions of it’s employ­ees. NBRC employ­ees have car­ried out a crim­i­nal con­spir­a­cy of not fol­low­ing guid­lines, codes of con­duct, human rights acts, anti dis­crim­i­na­tion acts and many oth­ers.

Hunta is now a char­ac­ter in a chil­dren’s sto­ry, being cur­rent­ly writ­ten and pub­lished on my web­site. Illus­trat­ed by Nina Mc Don­ald. It is a won­der­ful way to cre­ate mag­ick out of a dis­gust­ing filthy sit­u­a­tion. Hunta and the Quest of the Qurad..

so as well as pass­ing back the ille­gal notices you have served on dis­abled cit­i­zens, I am pass­ing back to you notices of all the breach­es and crimes that were com­mit­ted to get to this point

and I and all our friends and fam­i­lies and excit­ingy wait­ing for the next chap­ter of Hunta and the Quest of the Qurad. Hunta’s fate, choose the end­ing for this book which will be pub­lished world­wide.

That’s the chap­ter where you free Hunta to go home and spent New year with her fam­i­ly instead of con­tin­u­ing this ridicu­lous pow­er play of death and destruc­tion. It stops.

One last thing, I am deal­ing with this trav­es­ty of jus­tice at present, so before I begin inves­ti­gat­ing that one, which is just as bad if not worse, I would ask the coun­cil now to audit why Alexan­der Hen­der­sen is pay­ing coun­cil over 200 dol­lars a fort­night in “back rates” which I believe he has been pay­ing coun­cil back at that rate per fort­night for a rates debt.
1, tak­ing into account that Al is dis­abled, why did coun­cil not assist him to com­plete a hard ship pol­i­cy request

2, umm how much mon­ey has coun­cil tak­en off a dis­abled cen­tre­link recip­i­ent, and still tak­ing off that dis­abled per­son at a rate of over 25% of ALL their cen­tre­link pay­ments, which is paid for them to sur­vive due to their (umm that is ille­gal guys) you have forced a man in hard­ship into more hard­ship..

Mar­garetruth Fran­cic
Nina McDon­ald
Al Hen­der­sen