Email to Simon Eager — cc Mayor , CEO and Nina.

94 Mak­ing reg­u­lat­ed dog dec­la­ra­tion
(1) The local gov­ern­ment must con­sid­er any writ­ten
rep­re­sen­ta­tions and evi­dence accom­pa­ny­ing them with­in the
peri­od stat­ed in the pro­posed dec­la­ra­tion notice.
(2) If, after com­ply­ing with sub­sec­tion (1), the local gov­ern­ment
is sat­is­fied that the rel­e­vant ground under sec­tion 89 still
exists, it must make the reg­u­lat­ed dog dec­la­ra­tion for the dog.
95 Giv­ing infor­ma­tion notice about deci­sion to make
reg­u­lat­ed dog dec­la­ra­tion
(1) As soon as prac­ti­ca­ble after decid­ing to make a reg­u­lat­ed dog
dec­la­ra­tion, the local gov­ern­ment must give any own­er of the
dog the sub­ject of the dec­la­ra­tion an infor­ma­tion notice about
the deci­sion.
(2) How­ev­er, the local gov­ern­ment must not give an infor­ma­tion
notice under sub­sec­tion (1) if an autho­rised per­son has made a
destruc­tion order under sec­tion 127A in rela­tion to the dog.

Note— we have a pot named jack


12:40 PM (25 min­utes ago)

to Cr.Les.Hotzadminsimon.eagercraig.mathesonNinaNina, bcc: astrol­o­gist
Dear Simon and all involved ,
Please imme­di­ate­ly rescind the destruc­tion order on Hunta and put in place (legal) arrange­ments for Nina to be able to take her home. Nina will be email send­ing you a let­ter to con­firm she is begin­ning action.
I am writ­ing to respond to the let­ter sent by you on the 20th of Decem­ber 2024 addressed to Nina Mac­Don­ald. This let­ter has not been opened and pre­served and videoed for future legal action. I am Nina’s advo­cate in this mat­ter and a very inter­est­ed mem­ber of the pub­lic.
On the phone you spoke to Nina of attach­ing both the reg­u­lat­ed dog notice and the Destruc­tion order in the email. I heard that con­ver­sa­tion as did two oth­ers. Breach sec­tion 95 2 and 127.
I request that Coun­cil pre­serve imme­di­ate­ly all con­ver­sa­tions held in coun­cil data banks. All record­ings will be ref­er­enced aand marked, for ease to refer to, as I uncov­er more infor­ma­tion and laws you have broken.for audit of com­pli­ance,
On the note attached to the email where, you attached two notices, being the reg­u­lat­ed dog notice and the destruc­tion order of poor Hunta.
Please imme­di­ate­ly refer to sec­tion 95 (2) of the Ani­mal Man­age­ment Act of Queens­land 2008 and imme­di­ate­ly with­draw all notices.

Please also excuse your­self Simon Eager from this case and sub­mit your­self for inves­ti­ga­tions and com­pli­ance. It rais­es severe seri­ous ques­tions about obe­di­ence to laws, rules, and fol­low­ing set pro­ce­dures. This rolls down and reflects pub­lic con­fi­dence when the com­pli­ance offi­cer is inten­tion­al­ly being non com­pli­ant. This email is the first of a series of call to account of mul­ti­ple breach­es and crimes

The coun­cil staff who replaces you in this case can THEN begin the actions the start fol­low­ing all cor­rect pro­ce­dures under AUSTRALIAN and QUEENSLAND laws.

You have now brought North Bur­nett REgion­al Coun­cil into dis­re­pute and opened them to cor­rup­tion and con­spir­a­cy inves­ti­ga­tions not just for this act, but for all pre­vi­ous deci­sions you have been part of since work­ing for NBRC regard­ing FULL com­pli­ance with AUSTRALIAN laws and pro­ce­dures. Trans­paren­cy means truth.
You and your employ­ers may pre­fer Secre­tive acts and devi­ous sly­ness, I how­ev­er am open,transparent and leave every­thing in the hands of Truth — GOD.
All action is and will be pub­lished open­ly on my web­sites, begin­ning with This is pub­lic trans­paren­cy. Trans­paren­cy is Truth is Trans­paren­cy.
I would like to note on the pub­lic record now that “neu­ro lin­guis­tic Pro­gram­mer” that Simon Lists pub­licly  as his “oth­er” job is an expert­ly trained mind con­trol pro­gram­mer, influ­enc­ing oth­ers’ sub­con­scious minds. NLP includes pro­gram­ming acts in oth­ers minds they would not nor­mal­ly do and have them fol­low direc­tions.
Simon is high­ly trained oper­a­tor, ful­ly con­ver­sant on how to influ­ence oth­ers, so much so that he teach­es oth­ers. Admirable in the pri­vate sec­tor, scary and dan­ger­ous in the gov­ern­ing over­sec­tor. This is a seri­ous pub­lic con­cern to have a high rank­ing gov­ern­ing employ­ee who can not only con­trol peo­ple’s sub­con­scious thoughts, but those of the peo­ple around him.

Simon has the abil­i­ty to influ­ence oth­er staff and man­age­ment to obey his orders and breach laws them­selves which seem­ing­ly has occurred here. re: Biggen­den Brooke: ille­gal taped inter­view, in an ille­gal step of pro­ce­dure along with a series of clown car Pi in your face moves, by the very peo­ple we are told we can trust…This clown car action is doc­u­ment­ed on my site, all will be linked with list­ed breach­es, crimes and the con­spir­a­cy of cor­rup­tion which has been under­tak­en  under the var­i­ous laws of legal Queens­land and Aus­tralian acts. Email will be sent to coun­cil  all crimes and breach­es list­ed

You had the deci­sion, choose to stop. Lis­ten to the peo­ple who told you the truth of what a beau­ti­ful dog hunta is Includ­ing the Gayn­dah shel­ter staff.
You can choose now to keep going down that reduc­ing path, even after you have put your coun­cil in total dis­re­pute and cost cit­i­zens thou­sands in legal costs to con­tin­ue your ego trip of mur­der and destruc­tion.
NBRC can make the choice to have a good look at the love­ly Hunta the hunt­ed, ascer­tain Truth under all the bull­shut con­structs. Look into Huntas eyes, at the love there, because she will still be look­ing at you with that love in her eyes when you put the nee­dle in to kill her.


Hunta’s Voice
by Mar­garetruth
Nina’s Voice

Mar­garet Fran­cic
     Live By Truth Live For Truth
        Khe­iron — Mayet — Astraea
images (28).jpg
               Lama Mag­pie Sana­mal


Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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