Simon The Eager — Hunta’s Voice

Simon Eager, Stream Com­pli­ance Offi­cer, act­ing as an avatar for North Bur­nett Coun­cil, Failed to fol­low leg­is­la­tion and pro­ce­dures and breached sec­tions 94 and 127 of the ANIMAL MANAGEMENT (CATS AND DOGS) ACT 2008. in declar­ing Hunta a reg­u­lat­ed dog as per your email of the 23rd of dec 2024 and attach­ing a destruc­tion notice in the same email.

 yet your email stat­ed as is the “block Catch­net’ voice from coun­cil is “the mat­ter is under inves­ti­ga­tion”

“Good after­noon Nina, With respect to your dog Hunta, cur­rent­ly impound­ed and under inves­ti­ga­tion for dog attack offences, please see the attached doc­u­ments.”


Now we can sit and talk pie all day, going around in cir­cles in a feed­back loop, or I can pick up the strong string of the stream and exam­ine is with fine tooth mir­ror.

feed­back loop see Pi and com­pare it to your dis­trac­tion and diver­sion game of feed­back loop on the above, as below.

sec­tion 129 Breach
you served a reg­u­lat­ed dog notice and a destruc­tion notice in the same email.

You stat­ed in your email to NINA on the 23rd Dec 2024, i note that it is the first writ­ten cor­re­spon­dence she has received about this mat­ter, that you had put mate­r­i­al in the mail for her last week. Her mail­box is emp­ty up to today with no mail from you.. Breach Lie 

Your reg­u­lat­ed dog notice was dat­ed 19th of Decem­ber and yet you did not inform Nina until the 22nd of Decem­ber by tele­phone and no writ­ten cor­re­spon­dance.

In order to declare a dog a reg­u­lat­ed dog you must inform the own­er in writ­ing of your INTENTION to declare the dog a reg­u­lat­ed dog.
After the own­er (Nina) receives the Inten­tion to declare Hunta by writ­ten notice, con­taing all infor­ma­tion and evi­dence the coun­cil has on the case (trans­paren­cy in council)she has 14 days to pre­pare a response and to con­tact legal assis­tance.

That is inten­tion to issue the notice a step or two before issu­ing the notice.

I have lis­tened to monologs of con­ver­sa­tion from 3 dif­fer­ent rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the coun­cil that rep­re­sent this stream. These three con­ver­sa­tions were full of word sal­ad in the effort to bind and deceive NINA in your effort to appease an res­i­dent by mak­ing a “scape­goat” out of the most beau­ti­ful inno­cent lov­ing dog put on this earyh by GOD.

In those three con­ver­sa­tion each time Nina asked one thing of the work­ers and that was to pro­vide proof that Hunta was respon­si­ble for killing a goat.

In response to her ques­tion, nina was divert­ed, talked over in a con­de­scend­ing way and told she was not lis­ten­ing to the work­ers. She was also told each and every time that the mat­ter is under inves­ti­ga­tion and yet she received no let­ter and no emails until yes­ter­day which breach leg­is­la­tion by com­bin­ing the two let­ters in one. and yet every day nina has con­tact­ed coun­cil from the day her dogs went miss­ing. each time the block wall of “it is under inves­tigstion”

May I ask you, will you lis­ten to some­one try­ing to excuse them­selves using “coun­cil” dis­guise mur­der­ing a fam­i­ly mem­ber?

I was lis­ten­ing very close­ly as were sev­er­al oth­er peo­ple in the rooms at the time.

These are the words record­ed com­ing from all of your work­ers.

“I think” “I believe” “we sus­pect” “we believe” “we think” “we have rea­son­able sus­pi­cion” “catch net” — caught 😉

Those words are mean­ing­less and have no place in the world today of truth.

Each instance of phone calls to NINA you dis­played a dis­gust­ing supe­ri­or atti­tude that overt­ly appeared like you had a lot to say about noth­ing.
covert­ly the sub­terfuge was sub­tle but vis­i­ble.

I direct you back to Nina’s and now my ques­tion — will you please pro­vide proof that hunta is respon­si­ble for a killing a goat?

I also direct you, the “stream com­pli­ance offi­cer” to exam­ine this “event” from true ground­ing of look­ing at a sit­u­a­tion from all around and not just a black white author­i­tar­i­an stance of ok we have a com­plaint –Let kill it ?

you have made a very hasty, dead­ly con­clu­sion based on bias and prej­u­dice. Hunta has no prej­u­dice, go and meet her beau­ti­ful soul, she will love you even up to the moment the nee­dle you are killing her with goes in. This is when jus­tice and those who pre­form their duties under truths ban­ner, blind­fold them­selves to truth, the very gov­ern­ment becomes a decay­ing injus­tice.

You see I went around to vis­it a sis­ter the oth­er day, and she offered me a meal, because I was so damned hun­gry after run­ning around explor­ing all day, I grate­ful­ly accept­ed and demol­ished that pi.

I did­n’t ask where she got the pie from or if she had to kill a mag­pie to make it and I cer­tain­ly will not walk out her door to be caught, net­ted, chained, caged then cru­ci­fied| Nor caught in a pong catch­net of word­salaed

what exact­ly are you killing, killing the prob­lem by appeas­ing your rate pay­er at the detri­ment of a the heart of grand­moth­er and all her fam­i­ly and friends?

That would make you guilty of mur­der­ing an inno­cent ani­mal set on earth by GOD because you have that pow­er over oth­ers.

Have you met the dog you are mur­der­ing? Have you looked in her eyes?

I will you to look into HUNTas eyes and tell that dog you are killing her because you think, you believe and you sus­pect that she ate a meal when she was hun­gry was set in front of her by her big broth­er.


Hunta’s Voice







Sec­tion 89 Pow­er to make dec­la­ra­tion
(1) Simon Failed to fol­low cor­rect pro­ce­dures by not com­ply­ing with this sec­tion of the act.

92 With­draw­ing pro­posed dec­la­ra­tion notice
The local gov­ern­ment may with­draw the pro­posed dec­la­ra­tion
notice by giv­ing notice of the with­draw­al to any own­er of the
dog the sub­ject of the notice.

Please do, I have bet­ter things to do than be dragged back into mans ego and pow­er war. Hon­est­ly, it is like an old rusty bat­tery, a bunch of neu­trons stir­ring up the elek­trons and pro­tons. Go and gaze at a sun­flower and breathe.

Hav­ing said that, I hold fast! The more you try to put bandaids on and cov­er up your ille­gal acts, the more they show them­selves to me, the one and the many­ones.

it stops here|

The world is over it. Using con­fu­sion, word sal­ad and ille­gal acts to fur­ther your own agen­da and tram­ple on peo­ple and lov­ing ani­mals end.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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