The Pi-go-round feedback loop of North Burnett Regional COuncil.

In order to declare a dog reg­u­lat­ed  you must con­tact the own­er of the dog in writ­ing and give them time to respond, 14 days from the receipt of the writ­ten pro­pos­al min­i­mum.

Then there is an inter­nal appeals process that takes TIME

Then there is an exter­nal appeals process through qcat

Then there is the AAT ( I have won twice in there so far, can we make it all for 3)

In the mean­time, as you use every tool at your dis­pos­al to destroy Hunta, I will uti­lize every tool I have with­in me, start­ing with love and my love spreads fast.

i request an open and trans­par­ent hon­est inde­pen­dant inquiry into fisaco of cor­rup­tion and all pre­vi­ous deci­sions by Sion Eager in his role as stream com­pli­ance offi­cer for north bur­nett region­al coun­cil.

Now that you have spent so much con­de­scend­ing time telling NINA and the world what you have done ille­gal­ly, I shall tell you now­er what I , that is we, that is many­one are going to do in response to your crime.

1, take the mat­ter fur­ther and expose your actions pub­licly cit­ing evi­dence of your acts, this step has already begun — here. I speak truth and I have the love of God aside me, what more pow­er­ful do you have in your court?
1, Begin a case with the CCC for cor­rup­tion in your coun­cil cit­ing evi­dence of your acts, this step in the process.
1, con­tact the CEO and may­or of your coun­cil cit­ing the evi­dence of your acts, this step is in the process.
1, request, cit­ing evi­dence of your acts, an unbi­ased inde­pen­dant “out of stream” inves­ti­ga­tion into all desci­sions made by you in your role as com­pli­ance offi­cer of your stream and review them for com­pli­ance with laws they were made under.
1, inform the state mem­ber for Cal­lide, Bryson Head of your acts, cit­ing the evi­dence in this case
1, con­tin­ue cre­at­ing The Quest of the Qurad, fea­tur­ing Hunta the Gun­tur,





Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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