Criminal Conspiracy, Acts and Breaches by North Burnett Regional Council

North Bur­nett Region­al Coun­cil
Cor­rup­tion At It’s Core

On Decem­ber 15th, after a vis­i­tor left the front door unlatched, 4 curi­ous dogs escaped 15 Fred­er­icks Street, Biggen­den,  The Hap­py Qurad, of course decid­ed to go on a big adven­ture and explore their lands and coun­try­side around Biggen­den.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, they left the Qurad mobile phone at home, not that they could answer it, so there was no way to phone them and tell them to get their butts home before the street­lights come on.

So began a saga that now, the 28th of Jan­u­ary has the most beau­ti­ful gen­tle female De-sexed Dog on death row in Gayn­dah after Simon the Eager from NBRC act­ed con­trary to Coun­cils best inter­est in some very under­hand­ed devi­ous ille­gal acts and served invalid notices, wrong­ful infor­ma­tion, and a severe gaslight­ing of Nina McDon­ald  in Simon The Eager, rush to destroy the amaz­ing Artist and grand­moth­er of 4.

Incite­ment to com­mit Crim­i­nal Con­spir­a­cy By Simon Eager act­ing as a sim of North Bur­nett Region­al Coun­cil, per­pe­trat­ed on oth­er coun­cil employ­ees includ­ing Biggen­den Brooke and Gayn­dah Garth to vic­tim­ize, gaslight and con­fuse res­i­dents name­ly, Nina  McDon­ald and Alexan­der Hen­der­son of Biggen­den by serv­ing false notices and incit­ing employ­ees to fol­low his direc­tions for these notices with­out fol­low­ing pro­ce­dure and state law. This may expand as more res­i­dents join the dis­cus­sion.

Acts of Crim­i­nal Con­spir­a­cy by per­sons act­ing on behalf of North Bur­nett Region­al Coun­cil to car­ry out a cam­paign of

Fal­si­fy­ing records by Simon Eager, Garth and Brooke, This will be addressed and evi­denced linked through oth­er doc­u­ments, posts, coun­cil records emails and calls. I will be pro­vid­ing a doc­u­ment­ed time­line of events from this side in the next few days for your perusal, legal teams and inde­pen­dent audi­tor to match with their records.

Pro­vid­ing False Doc­u­ments to a dis­abled & dis­ad­van­taged res­i­dent

Pro­vid­ing false infor­ma­tion to a dis­abled & dis­ad­van­taged res­i­dent.

Inva­sion of Pri­va­cy by Biggen­den Brooke at the behest of Simon Eager/Gayndah Garth.

Breach­es of Human Rights Act Queens­land 2018
1) sec­tion 17

Breach­es of anti dis­crim­i­na­tion act Queens­land

Breach­es of Local Gov­ern­ment Act 2008

Breach­es of Ani­mal Man­age­ment Act



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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