In The Beginning The Numbers Story

the uni­verse is cre­at­ed and the first thing man did was to assign num­bers to it, so began the human con­struct and destruct of word.

1 the first but instead of mankind just going about his busi­ness he decid­ed to put 1 in a box. Alpha Aleph: the alphe­bet box. A‑B
soon lan­guage devel­oped and fur­ther tags of all what we expe­ri­enced, were added to the con­struct. One cre­at­ed a uni­verse of tags attrib­ut­es and words all attached to this image of 1..

Man still could not inden­ti­fy 1, So he tried every­thing to know 1 he best the liv­ing day­lights out of 1 but still 1 stood as 1 no mat­ter the con­struct around 1. Man in his mon­key brain stpid frus­tra­tion of not know­ing some­thing that mon­key brains can nev­er know decid­ed in their greed and thirst with all those 9 dead­ly sins, pan­do­ras evils, decid­ed to split 1 (atom) in the equa­tion 1 0–1 0=2 as above so below man split the atom, got to know what was in it but fogot about was­n’t in it, but was NUN the
from that moment rinse repeat we have a con­struct of 2 to explain 1 — two cre­at­ed a whole new con­struct­ed uni­verse Alpha­betand mirage image around 2 but two does­nt exist, its is the con­struct image of 1 from a mir­ror
Aleph Beth so we have 1 and 2 but 1 and two make 3 so that would be the trin­i­ty the 3 in 1 so now 1 = 3 how­ev­er now we have Aleph Beth and Gimel the invisi­able camel leav­ing only a foot­print. so 1 2 3 would mean 3 = six empress and lovers break rest