the universe is created and the first thing man did was to assign numbers to it, so began the human construct and destruct of word.
1 the first but instead of mankind just going about his business he decided to put 1 in a box. Alpha Aleph: the alphebet box. A‑B
soon language developed and further tags of all what we experienced, were added to the construct. One created a universe of tags attributes and words all attached to this image of 1..
Man still could not indentify 1, So he tried everything to know 1 he best the living daylights out of 1 but still 1 stood as 1 no matter the construct around 1. Man in his monkey brain stpid frustration of not knowing something that monkey brains can never know decided in their greed and thirst with all those 9 deadly sins, pandoras evils, decided to split 1 (atom) in the equation 1 0–1 0=2 as above so below man split the atom, got to know what was in it but fogot about wasn’t in it, but was NUN the
from that moment rinse repeat we have a construct of 2 to explain 1 — two created a whole new constructed universe Alphabetand mirage image around 2 but two doesnt exist, its is the construct image of 1 from a mirror
Aleph Beth so we have 1 and 2 but 1 and two make 3 so that would be the trinity the 3 in 1 so now 1 = 3 however now we have Aleph Beth and Gimel the invisiable camel leaving only a footprint. so 1 2 3 would mean 3 = six empress and lovers break rest